Wednesday, November 14, 2012


The wealthy elite guided by Karl Rove and a few other pundits must have been a bit shocked after the elections. All of their millions did not buy the presidential office, nor several congressional seats. And it looks as though their insistence on requiring voter ID just made the 99% realize how valuable their votes were.

In Idaho, the Luna laws were soundly defeated, largely because of Luna’s flawed process. He sprung his propositions on the public and won the backing of a toadying legislature and governor without consulting the teachers. Bad idea. Again, money from the elite was involved. They attempted to persuade the Idahoans that merit pay for teachers, laptops for every student, and busting teachers’ unions were good ideas. We raise a lot of sheep and cattle in Idaho, but obviously they are out in the pastures and not in the voting booths. Wow! Way to go, Idaho! 

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