Saturday, December 1, 2012

Idaho's regressive speaker of the House

 Idaho needs a new leader in the House of Representatives.

This is a plea for the House of Representatives to vote for Scott Bedke December 6 for House speaker, a legislator who is probably risking his political status if he doesn't win the election. The representatives caucus and vote Dec. 5 and 6 for a speaker.  Lawerence Denney has been the speaker for 6 years and has controlled much of Idaho politics.  If you read about our state, you will see that, under his control,  we have become one of the lowest ranking states in several important issues such as education and medical care.

He has refused and will reject the voters’ wishes. (There is concern among the voters that he will try to overturn the Prop 1, 2, 3 issues.) The Idaho newspapers have reported his high-handed, rude, power- hungry, strong-arm tactics and bullying of constituents and other legislators--several decent ones have resigned because of him. I know that is strong language and yet those are published words.

He has violated the law in his own self-interests (removing Hansen and Crowe), used house Victory Funds to unseat his fellow Republicans, sent lame-duck Phil Hart, the tax dodger, to ALEC using our tax dollars, and so many other questionable actions. He has been anything but decent and forthright (Times News).

Under his regressive control, our state has lost ground nationally, the education funding has been cut for the third consecutive year, $108 million has been slashed from the Medicaid budget. For a man who has no problem forcing his own issues, one would hope he would use his efforts to do good for Idahoans. Instead he has served his own interests politically, divided his party, worked behind closed doors, and will continue to do so, unless he has had a "Damascus Road" experience over the summer.

We voters need and deserve transparency! So, I'm pleading with the House of Representatives to stand up to Denney and vote for a Speaker that may give us a better chance of changing the politics in Idaho.

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