Monday, December 17, 2012

Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the Media

Can this be true? Really, 6 Jewish companies own 96% of American media??? According to AlterNet, that is the truth. Nothing against Jews, but we are so in trouble when a handful of people control what we hear and see. I strongly suggest you read about this on the internet to be aware of who is choosing what news is reported on tv, magazines, newspapers, and radio, the books we read. and the movies we see. I care about this and the only thing I know to do about it is to watch independent news agencies such as Democracy Now, and read Mother Jones, and go to independent theaters. Any other suggestions? 

1 comment:

  1. After reading this I checked out the AlterNet site you refer to and was impressed with it. I appreciated the article there about Obama's choice of Jack Lew to replace Tim Geithner. Matt Taibi is, in my mind, one of the most important journalists in America. He tells it like it is and it sounds like Wall Street has cause to celebrate.... again. So thanks for letting me know about AlterNet.
    If you are into podcasts I would recommend Best of the Left which comes out twice a week and compiles the strongest voices on a given topic. Some voices are over the top, but for the most part I find it interesting and informative.
